“The truth about stories is, that’s all we are.”
~ Thomas King ~
What if I told you all it took to make all the difference was the click of a button. Let us show you.
Our vision lies with the stories that haven’t yet been told. The ones that wish to be seen, to be heard.
What We Do
At Rising Tide we pride ourselves on our ability to listen. It is our job is to transcribe; to fully realize your ideas.
How We Work
We offer more than our media services and perspective, we offer all that makes us, us. We offer our hearts too.
Yep, we’re doing it.
We’re making another magazine! And we want your help.
With stories like the one you see below we aim to astound, baffle and excite. We want each page to be met with an enthralling sense of curiosity. We want the reader, from start to finish, gasping, giggling, or grimacing at the very sight of the ink on the page. We want to inspire creation, the whackiest sort.
The Clouds Ain’t So Bad
A story of a boy unable to to distinguish fantasy from reality.